Chocolate Almond Cake

The recipe was a closely guarded secret, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s ‘alternative’ chocolate wedding cake was made using 1,700 rich tea biscuits.  The spectacular cake was commissioned by the Duchess of Cambridge for her new husband as an alternative to the official fruit wedding cake, and the master chocolatier who created it said the recipe was based on the Duke’s favourite afternoon cake.  This is a version of such a cake:choc cake


  • 100g plain chocolate
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 100g butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 100g icing sugar
  • 100g rich tea biscuits


Break up the chocolate and melt gently in a pan with the water.  Flake in the butter a few pieces at a time, blending carefully.  Stir in the egg yolk, sieved icing sugar and almonds.  Break the biscuits into small pieces and fold in gently.  Put the mixture in a lined 1lb loaf tin or round cake tin of equivalent capacity.  Level it on top and press down well to avoid air gaps.  Allow to get cold and hard.  Wrap completely in greaseproof paper and store in a fridge.

One variation is to add 125g nuts (walnuts, brazils, almonds), 125g dried fruit (sultanas, apricots, glacé cherries and a packet of Maltesers.

About cdhough

We often sit discussing new and old recipes. We like to share foody ideas on a regular basis. How many times have we said "I saw it somewhere". Now we are endeavouring to put it all in one place...
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